Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Samuel and Israelites

Historical lesson 2
1 Samuel 8
Pdt. Marianus T. Waang, M. Th

After seeing the unhappy ending life of Eli’s and Samuel’s family, we are facing now the ongoing unfaithfulness of God’s people. Knowing that Samuel’s sons do not act like their father, the people come to Samuel and ask for a king (8:4). Samuel feels unhappy. Yet the Lord commands him to fulfill their demand, for by refusing the leadership of these two ‘naughty’ leaders, they in fact are refusing the Lord Himself and His kingship.    It is a bit strange for it seems as if the Lord is putting Himself equal to these corrupted leaders. Yet there is something lying behind the scenes.

Their demand is real and normal. They know that Samuel is getting older. He has appointed his sons to replace him even though he knows that they are unworthy of that position because of their unfaithfulness. This is real. Having such leaders, Israelites are seeing no bright future. No hope. So the longing for a good future pushes them to ask Samuel for a king. It is normal, isn’t it? Besides, isn't this demand the fulfillment of what is written in Deuteronomy 17:14 that the Israelites may have a king when they possess the promise land? So what goes wrong with this demand?  It is real and normal, isn't it? It is a fact based demand. Yet these normal and real situations waive us of seeing the real problem lying behind the scenes: the unfaithfulness of God’s people.

The Lord sees far deep in their hearts (16:7). Not the badness of Samuel’s Sons (the normal and real situations), but the motive that lies behind their demand: their unfaithfulness is the core problem. They only use this unwilling real situation as a reasonable means to hide their motives. May be they are unaware. But they do not ask Samuel’s advice which also means that they do not ask God’s clue for their situation. And the Lord knows why: they never really repent. They always refuse Him (8:7-8).

Dear friends, reasonable argument is not always acceptable to God. Sometimes it is only our trick to hide our bad motives! The Lord may let reasonable reasons or situations present in our life when difficulties come to test us whether we are faithful or not. We have seen that the real or normal situation doesn't bring God’s chosen people close to their God and live in peace with Him. On the contrary, it drives them to receive His anger! We are not excluded of having such situation. We can always meet the same situation and take the same decision as Israelites did. So lets always seek God’s will and keep Jesus’ command in mind: ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation’ (Matt. 26:41).

Dear Lord, help us not to let our own decisions lead us. Bring us to always seek your paths and don’t let us to hide our bad motives behind reasonable reasons and situations. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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